Who is Wanda S. Duck?
Wanda S. Duck was born from a long ago nickname.  Wanda, the bag lady,  has always been a 20 year older version of the actor playing her. She dwells in a time not too distant when various addenda to the Patriot Act have made Freedom of Speech a capital offense.  The economy has fallen through the sub-basement flooring, and so Wanda has moved into a dumpster in an alley in downtown Akron.  There she lives and works, using it as her office to promote her various ventures: 

Theatre of Sorts, her sometimes solo/sometimes not, form of participatory theatre and "Dumpster Times," her bimonthly Journal of Art, Anarchy and Culture.  This is also where she carries out her torrid affairs.

Wanda has a shopping cart full of file folders in which she collects important evidence.  She has been known to distribute the contents of these files during her shows.  Now that she is getting up in years, she has moved to the Internet, where she continues to distribute her files.  If you are reading this, then you have landed in another of Wanda's file folders.

Wanda says:  "Wake up, smell the coffee and drink it down.  Then dig in to these pages, and always -- think for yourself!"

I was an intelligent child,  with advanced reading skills.
Before playing a baglady, I went through a period where I often played the Fool.  Here I am in full fool costume at:
Earth Onion Women's Theatre
in Washington, D.C.
Bag lady research.  When I moved to D.C., I found homeless people everywhere.  In winter, they slept on top of sewer gratings, to take advantage of the warmth generated from below.  One bag lady had a shopping cart filled only with yellowing newspaper clippings.  She would not let anyone approach or ask any questions.  She was the main inspiration for Wanda.
Wanda's in semi-retirement now.  She threatened to quit show biz altogether, but couldn't stay away from the stage.
Wanda Duck and Theatre of Sorts performed at anarchist picnics and gatherings.
The many faces of
Wanda S. Duck
e-mail me
If you'd like Wanda to come out of semi-retirement and do another show, send her an email.