The Sory of
Job's Wife Without A Name
In the Bible, Job has a wife who has to go through all the suffering Job endures in his adventure with God. Every curse visited upon Job is another burden for her to deal with, down to the loss of all her children. In our version, God is a large pink penis. It's a symbol -- get over it! Satan just happens to be gay. Job is an idiot and his wife walks around with dozens of baby dolls attached to her on a rope. How ironic that she has the best line in the whole Bible ("Curse God and die!"), and yet she is never given her own name. She appears only as a possession: Job's Wife.
Job's Wife Without a Name was presented at the Mantis Gallery in Kent, OH. It was another one of our audience participation pieces. Audience members were asked to volunteer to portray either oxen, sheep, pigs or Job's children. On Satan's cue, each group got its moment to die. They were encouraged to writhe in torment upon the ground and to stay dead (but were allowed to peek to follow the action) until all were "dead." Later on, a miracle took place and God brought them back to life. The audience was wildly enthusiastic in their participation and appreciation for this one.
Nothing's Sacred. This is the stupidist thing I ever did -- a Wanda Show in which I interviewed the Pope, played by my ever loyal friend Dave Sockeye, to whom I owe mega apologies. He dressed up like the pope and answered all my questions about what was under his dress and then some. But this was an Irish pub and it was gettin' perilous close ta Saint Paddy's day. Some young Irish boys got a wee bit mad and punched out my poor pal Dave. We had to make a run for it out the back door. This was scarier than any confrontation with straight-edge skinheads.
The Adam & Eve Story which Wanda played God costumed to resemble Spooky the tough little ghost in the Casper cartoons. She tossed a see-through lace curtain over her head, topping it with a bowler hat. Adam was a clown marionette, Eve was played by a Barbie doll and Satan was a snake operated by string. Wanda provided voices for all four characters. This piece was later included in Travelling Bags show and the Brave New World Order Tour.