Class of '69 Reunion Show
Wanda does not want to attend her 20 year HS reunion, so instigates this participatory event instead.
Class of 69 Reunion Show Format
The evening was set up according to a typical day in high school. Wanda solicited volunteers for essential roles:
The Principal -- Greg Sockeye
Math Teacher -- Dave Sockeye
English Teacher -- Jack the Poet
Art Teacher -- Wanda Duck
Drama Teacher -- Johnny
School Nurse -- Teresa Nobody
Gym Teacher -- Micky Nobody
Audience members were given a sticky badge to wear upon entrance which randomly assigned them roles as freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors.
Instructors were assigned "periods" in which they taught their classes, marked by the ringing of a bell. The instructors were on their own to plan their lessons. Throughout the day, the principal roamed at will, handing out detentions and whacking people up with a two headed rubber dildo. The school nurse and the gym teacher carried on an illicit affair. The school day included a cultural assembly featuring the spoken word artistry of "Shiite Paper." A pep rally ended the school day, followed by a sock hop featuring everybody's favorite band -- Sockeye!
This format gave the audience many opportunities to participate, or not -- it was up to them. Non-participants took on the very important role of the typical non-involved, non-participating students, who more or less drank themselves under the table by the end of the evening.
The video taping of this show was collaborative. We rented a camcorder and passed it around throughout the evening.
This event was so successful that we re-staged it at the Artichoke in Cleveland.
This event gave everybody the opportunity to explore their high school memories however they perceived them.